DOUBLE FOOT SNAKES - Traditional, comes in standard and fine, with various finishes, hard chrome, black, gold,and titanium. (recommended for 4wt and below.)

SINGLE FOOT WIRE - Lighter than standard double foots,to reduce weight. (recommended for 4wt and below.)

SINGLE FOOT CERAMIC INSERT RUNNING GUIDES - Heavier than wire guides but have smother line flow. (recommended for 6wt and above unless you are a traditionalist.)

STRIPPER GUIDES - Come in various frame material and various types of inserts

Frames -  weight is the consideration, steel verses titanium, and design. Steel frames come with various platings

Inserts - There are various ceramic materials used as inserts: Hardloy, was the standard, good hardness but more weight and poor heat dissipation ; alconite and zirconia, better hardness and lighter weight, and better heat dissipation .(zirconia comes in colors): silicon carbide, the top of the line as to hardness, weight, and heat dissipation (Cost verses value is usually the determining factor)

TIP TOPS - to match running guides